
On Air

On the Phone with K.Samone

Mon- Fri: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

TBOTD- CEO Delphine Carter

TBOTD- CEO Delphine Carter

TBOTD- CEO Delphine Carter

After discovering difficulties in the hiring systems for working moms, especially when hiring managers are looking for linear employment history and it doesn’t coincide with moms taking time out to have and care for children.

The Birmingham Boulo built a tech-powered job-matching platform built by women for women. This Birmingham-based start-up’s goal is to bring overlooked talent back into the workforce.

Boulo is an AI-driven platform connecting smart driven women to companies offering employment w/ flexible schedules.

Today’s TBOTD, text bae of the day, CEO Delphine Carter stated, and I quote, We’re excited to bring access to the broader Birmingham community and invite them into Boulo’s mission as investors and supporters. Together we can create more job opportunities for women and bring critical talent back into our workforce”


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